A light hour

Percurama Percussion Ensemble, and Gert Mortensen

Tracks on the album

  1. A light hour I
  2. A light hour II
  3. A light hour III
  4. A light hour VI
Per Nørgård’s (b. 1932) A Light Hour is a stimulating and vital percussion manifestation. And the title can be taken quite literally: the music lasts an hour, begins with a bright sound and ends in an elevated mood with a collectively improvised ‘note feast’. Originally A Light Hour was an improvisation work from 1986, but in 2008 Per Nørgård created this new through-composed version. By way of a wealth of instruments, the listener is sent on a percussion journey around the world brilliantly realized by the percussion virtuoso Gert Mortensen and his ensemble Percurama, whose members themselves come from 15 different countries.
( Text from https://www.dacapo-records.dk/en/recordings/light-hour)

Read more about the album

Published by Dacapo Records in Denmark

Read the review on AllMusic


Copyright 2023 Gert Mortensen - Design Nina Aagaard Israelsen